Creating a Montessori inspired play space.

As promised, a comprehensive look into our new play space. You’ll find the links for everything in this room in the source list at the bottom of this post!



Our family first starting researching the Montessori method of playing / learning / teaching even before the girls were born. My husband was pretty stoked on the method when he came across it and to be honest, my initial draw to it was somewhat superficial. That being that the aesthetic of the learning environment was crucial. A clean and organized space, the toys, simplistic and natural all had a purpose and a place, a space like this invites you in. It was only when my own children started exhibiting a natural desire to learn processes, simple skills to master, and mimicking my everyday life around 18 months that I picked up a book and then another and felt overwhelm that this learning style was exactly for us. And so this space was born from a cleared out closet and a little ingenuity.

Montessori’s 5 categories:

Hand eye coordination


Practical Life

Arts and Crafts

Music and movement

There is an child, adult, environment relationship with this structure that nurtures the child’s natural desire to learn, to work at their own pace, one skill at a time while discovering their own unique value proposition.


Of course, I feel the need to disclaim the fact that it isn’t set up “by the book” Montessori. We’ve incorparted imaginative toys, sensory bins and just plain old toys they enjoy.

Lets take a look around!


Because this was once my closet, we’re tight on space. We store our easel here in this corner but still get it out every day and quickly set it up in the middle of the little room to draw and paint.


Highly recommend this peg stacking toy!IMG_7242IMG_7240IMG_7246

I received so many DM’s for those animal matching wood tiles, they’re linked at the bottom!



A little station to take care of their babies. doll dresses, wooden brush, doll diapers, a gauze blanket and a bed from a montessori tray.


Crayons, colored pencils, chalk, dry erase markers, tape, child safe scissors, construction paper, wipes for clean up


that little dresser to the right houses activities that we rotate, watercolors and larger paper, and their sand toys they use with their kinetic sand.

The best part goes to the kitchen. Originally an Ikea kitchen that I reimagined for their 2nd birthday. A lengthy post dedicated to how I did it coming next week!



*Most all activities are from amazon. HERE’S the link to them all!  Everything else is linked below.

Rug: pehr designs

Tables: Ikea

Easel: Ikea

Craft storage compartment box: Ikea

Wooden sewing machine: andnest

stool and chair: Ikea

Cushions: handmade

Truck puzzle: ikea

woven baskets: Birch Lane

sensory bins: Ikea

hand sculptural piece: ikea

Montessori wooden animal tiles: Montessori n’ such

sheep skin: ikea

book rack: ikea

striped pillow: thimble & cloth

small dresser: Ikea

kitchen: ikea

kitchen shelf: ikea

ceramics: handmade

fabric food: ikea

wood crate for food: Ikea

Let me know if I missed something!

Luvs, Lindy



18 thoughts on “Creating a Montessori inspired play space.

  1. Thanks, LIndy! What a great space. Can you share the source of the low white unit where the various toys are stored? As well, where the unit and boxes holding the chalk, crayons etc is from? And finally, where the wooden boxes storing the musical instruments are from? Thanks!!!!


  2. Hi Natalie! All sources are linked at the bottom of the post. The low tables are just ikea cube shelving, the art compartment is Ikea as well and the Montessori trays are linked in my amazon link at the very beginning of the source list. Let me know if you have any problem finding them!


  3. Where is the puzzle rack from? I like that it’s white. I saw one on amazon but it’s only silver. Please let me know. Thanks!


  4. Hi there, I just LOVE this space and can’t wait to work on one for my 17 months old. You are a true inspiration for this first time mama. I was curious and hope you can help, could you link the etsy shop you got the egg holder? I’ve been searching “handmade ceramic egg holder” on etsy for ages since you said that’s where you got yours but cannot seem to find it…
    xoxo, hopeful mama


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